Curriculum vitae

Gallouët Thomas

Chargé de recherche INRIA
Tel : 0637006304


I am currently a research fellow at Inria Paris in the MOKAPLAN team. I was previously a scientific collaborator at the University of Liège (ULg) in Yvik Swan's team. The goal was to work on the interactions between probabilities, statisitics and optimal transport. I also did a one-year post-doctoral fellowship at CMLS-Ecole polytechnique under the supervision of Yann Brenier and Quentin Mérigot and a post-doctoral fellowship with Claire Chainais-Hillairet and Antoine Gloria in the Mephysto team on, among others, corrosion problems. The first part of this post-doctoral work was funded by ANDRA and located at Inria Lille. The second part was at the Université libre de Bruxelles. I did my thesis at UMPA (ENS Lyon) under the supervision of Cédric Villani and with the main subject of optimal transport.

Dernières publications


Gallouët T., Mérigot Q., Natale A. (2022), Convergence of a Lagrangian Discretization for Barotropic Fluids and Porous Media Flow, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 54, n°3, p. 2990-3018

Cancès C., Gallouët T., Todeschi G. (2020), A variational finite volume scheme for Wasserstein gradient flows, Numerische Mathematik, p. 34

Gallouët T., Natale A., Vialard F-X. (2020), Generalized compressible flows and solutions of the H(div) geodesic problem, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, n°235, p. 1707–1762

Benamou J-D., Gallouët T., Vialard F-X. (2019), Second order models for optimal transport and cubic splines on the Wasserstein space, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, n°19, p. 1113–1143

Gallouët T., Laborde M., Monsaingeon L. (2019), An unbalanced optimal transport splitting scheme for general advection-reaction-diffusion problems, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 25, n°8

Cancès C., Gallouët T., Laborde M., Monsaingeon L. (2019), Simulation of multiphase porous media flows with minimizing movement and finite volume schemes, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 30, n°6, p. 1123-1152

Gallouët T., Vialard F-X. (2018), The Camassa-Holm equation as an incompressible Euler equation: a geometric point of view, Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 264, n°7, p. 4199-4234

Gallouët T., Mérigot Q. (2018), A Lagrangian Scheme à la Brenier for the Incompressible Euler Equations, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, vol. 18, n°4, p. 835–865

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Gallouët T., Natale A., Todeschi G. (2022), From geodesic extrapolation to a variational BDF2 scheme for Wasserstein gradient flows, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 40 p.

Gallouët T., Mijoule G., Swan Y. (2018), Regularity of solutions of the Stein equation and rates in the multivariate central limit theorem, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 14 p.

Gallouët T., Natale A., Vialard F-X. (2018), Generalized compressible fluid flows and solutions of the Camassa-Holm variational model, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 28 p.

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