Laurent Cohen's main Publications Thematic listing

Written by Laurent COHEN no comments

Laurent Cohen's main Publications (1988-2024) on Deformable Models, Minimal Paths, Fast Marching, Registration, Image Segmentation, ...

See also :


  1. Complete blow-up after ${T}_{max}$ for the solution of a semilinearheat equation. P.~Baras and Laurent~D. Cohen. Journal of Functional Analysis}, 71(1):142--174, March 1987.

  2. A new approach of vector quantization for image data compression and texture detection. Laurent D. Cohen. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'88), Rome, 1988 (56k. Images not available on the postcript version). This paper could be seen as the ancestor of Sparsity, and introducing the idea of image-signature-dictionary. PDF

  3. Non-local Regularization of Inverse Problems. Gabriel Peyr\'e and S\'ebastien Bougleux and Laurent D. Cohen. Proc. tenth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'08)}, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008.

  4. Non-local Regularization of Inverse Problems, Gabriel Peyré, Sébastien Bougleux, Laurent D. Cohen, Inverse Problems and Imaging, vol. 5(2), pp. 511-530, 2011.

  5. Texture Enhancement using Diffusion Process with Potential. Emmanuel Cohen and Yehoshua Zeevi and Laurent D. Cohen In Proc. of 2014 IEEE 28-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI 2014)., Eilat, Israel, December 3-5, 2014.


    Deformable Models and Balloons in 2D and 3D images.

  7. [22] Modeles deformables. Laurent D. Cohen. Support de Cours de DEA et Conference invitee.  In  Actes de l'Ecole Thematique ISIS, pages 1--20, Marly le  Roy, Avril 1997.

  8. [3] On active contour models and balloons. Laurent D. Cohen. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing : Image Understanding (CVGIP:IU), 53(2):211--218, March 1991 (327k).

  9. [4] Finite element methods for active contour models and balloons for {2-D} and {3-D} images. Laurent D. Cohen and Isaac Cohen. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-15(11), November 1993. version longue dans Cahiers de Math\'ematiques de la D\'ecision 9124, Novembre 1991, voir aussi Proceedings de ICCV'90, Osaka, Japon et CVPR'92, Champain, Illinois, Juin 1992 (839k).

  10. [5] Using deformable surfaces to segment {3-D} images and infer differential structures. Isaac Cohen, Laurent D. Cohen, and Nicholas Ayache. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing : Image Understanding (CVGIP:IU), 56(2):242--263, September 1992. pr\'esent\'e en partie dans les Proceedings des conf\'erences CVPR91, IAICV91, EMBS91 et RR Inria 1403, May 1991.

  11. [14] On the convexity of the active contour energy Laurent~D. Cohen and Anne Gorre. In Proceedings of GRETSI, Juan-les-Pins, September 1995. (40k).

  12. [20] Multi-resolution algorithms for active contour models B.~Leroy, I.~Herlin, and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Images, Wavelets and PDE's (ICAOS'96)}}, Paris, France, June 1996. (100k).

  13. Region-based 2D deformable generalized cylinder for narrow structures segmentation. Julien Mille and Romuald Bon\'e and Laurent D. Cohen. Proc. tenth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'08)}, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008.

  14. Topological Active Volumes: a Topology-Adaptive Deformable Model for Volume Segmentation. N. Barreira and M. G. Penedo and Laurent Cohen and M. Ortega. To appear, Pattern Recognition, 2009.

  15. Deformable tree models for 2D and 3D branching structures extraction. Julien Mille and Laurent Cohen. In Proc. MMBIA 2009: IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis}}, in conjunction with CVPR'09, Miami, Florida, USA, June 20-25, 2009.

  16. From Active Contours to Minimal Geodesic Paths: New Solutions to Active Contours Problems by Eikonal Equations. Da Chen and  Laurent D. Cohen, in Handbook of Numerical Analysis, volume 20-- Processing, Analyzing and Learning of Images, Shapes, and Forms, pages 1--44, Elsevier, 2019.

    Active Region Models and Segmentation

  17. [6] Surface reconstruction using active contour models. Laurent Cohen, Eric Bardinet, and Nicholas Ayache. In Proceedings SPIE 93 Conference on Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, San Diego, CA, July 1993. autre version RR Inria 1824, D\'ecembre 1992 (376k). To my knowledge, the very first paper on active regions.

  18. [18b] Avoiding Local Minima for Deformable Curves in Image Analysis. Laurent Cohen. In Curves and Surfaces with Applications in CAGD , A. Le Mehaute, C. Rabut, and L. L. Schumaker (eds.), Vanderbilt Univ. Press, Nashville, 1997 (.ps.gz 335k PDF O.3M). (deals with balloons, minimal paths and region-based snakes).

  19. [35] A new Image Registration Technique with Free Boundary Constraints : Application to Mammography. Frederic Richard and Laurent D. Cohen. In  Proc. seventh European Conference on Computer Vision  (ECCV'02)}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2002. (PS.gz 1.6M. Similar paper in French for RFIA'02 ). Full paper in Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Special Issue of on Nonrigid Image Registration, Volume 89, Issues 2-3, Pages 166-196 February - March 2003.

  20. [71] Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-front Active Contours With Optional User-Interaction. , Hua Li, Anthony Yezzi and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Special issue on Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Biomedical Images. To appear in 2006. (pdf file 3M)

  21. Deformable tree models for 2D and 3D branching structures extraction. Julien Mille and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. MMBIA 2009: IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis}}, in conjunction with CVPR'09, Miami, Florida, USA, June 20-25, 2009.

  22. A local normal-based region term for active contours. Julien Mille and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. 7th International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EMMCVPR'09}}, Bonn, Germany, August 24-27, 2009

  23. Non-local Active Contours, Miyoun Jung, Gabriel Peyré, Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. SSVM'11: 3rd International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Ein Gedi, Israël (2011)

  24. Texture Segmentation via Non-local Non-parametric Active Contours, Miyoun Jung, Gabriel Peyré, Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. EMMCVPR 2011 - EMMCVPR, St Petersburg Russia (2011)

  25. Non-local Segmentation and Inpainting, Miyoun Jung, Gabriel Peyré, Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. ICIP'11: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Bruxelles, Belgique (2011)

  26. Minimal path techniques for automatic extraction of microglia extensions, Youssef Rouchdy, Laurent D. Cohen, Olivier Pascual and Alain Bessis, in International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCV&B), 2011

  27. Automatic detection and segmentation of renal lesions in 3D contrast-enhanced ultrasound images. Raphael PREVOST, Laurent COHEN, Jean-Michel CORREAS and Roberto ARDON, In Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2012: Image Processing, San Diego, California, USA, February 2012.

  28. Kidney Detection And Real-Time Segmentation In 3d Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Images. Raphael PREVOST, Benoit MORY, Jean-Michel CORREAS, Laurent COHEN and Roberto ARDON, In Proc. Eigth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'12), Barcelona, Spain, May 2-5 2012.

  29. Minimally overlapping paths sets for closed contour extraction. Julien Mille, Sebastien Bougleux and Laurent Cohen. In Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Rome, Italy, 24-26 february 2012

  30. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Kidneys in 3D CT Images Using Random Forests. R. Cuingnet, R. Prevost, D. Lesage, L. Cohen, B. Mory, R. Ardon, In Proc. 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2012), LNCS 7512, Springer 2012, Nice, France, october 1-5, 2012

  31. Global Minimum For A variant Mumford-Shah Model with Application to medical image Segmentation. Chen Da, Mingqiang Yang and Laurent D. Cohen. In Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization, 1(1):48-60, March 2013.

  32. Joint Co-Segmentation and Registration of Ultrasound Images Raphael Prevost, Remi Cuingnet, Benoit Mory, Jean-Michel Correas, Laurent D. Cohen, and Roberto Ardon In Proc. 23rd biennal International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2013), Asilomar, California, USA on June 29 - July 3, 2013

  33. Registration of Free-Breathing 3D+t Abdominal Perfusion CT Images via Co-Segmentation, R. Prevost, B. Romain, R. Cuingnet, B. Mory, L. Rouet, O. Lucidarme, L. D. Cohen, R. Ardon In {Proc. 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2013), LNCS , Springer 2013, Nagoya, Japan, September 22-26th, 2013

  34. From Active Contours to Minimal Geodesic Paths: New Solutions to Active Contours Problems by Eikonal Equations. Da Chen and  Laurent D. Cohen, in Handbook of Numerical Analysis, volume 20-- Processing, Analyzing and Learning of Images, Shapes, and Forms, pages 1--44, Elsevier, 2019.

  35. An Elastica Geodesic Approach with Convexity Shape Prior for Region based Active Contours and Image Segmentation.
    Da Chen, Laurent D. Cohen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau and Xue-Cheng Tai.
       In     Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV21),  Virtual, Montreal, Canada, 11-17 October, 2021. hal-03174123v2t

  36. A Region-Based Randers Geodesic Approach for Image Segmentation.
    Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Huazhong Shu and Laurent D. Cohen.
      in     International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV),  2023
     doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3225192

  37. Parametric Deformable Models and Shape Priors

  38. [7] A hybrid hyperquadric model for {2-D} and {3-D} data fitting. Isaac Cohen and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'94), pages B--403--405, Jerusalem, 1994. Extrait de RR Inria 2188, a paraitre au journal Computer Vision and Image Understanding (566k).

  39. [8] Fitting {3D} data using superquadrics and free-form deformations. Eric Bardinet, Laurent Cohen, and Nicholas Ayache. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'94), pages A--79--83, Jerusalem, October 1994. aussi congr\`es WBIA'94 (4M) et CVRMed'95 (2.3M).

  40. [9] Auxiliary variables and two-step iterative algoritms in computer vision problems. Laurent D. Cohen. Technical reports, Ceremade, Universit\'e Paris Dauphine, Fevrier 1994 et Fevrier 1995. Cahiers de Mathematiques de la Decision 9511, a paraitre au Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision et Proceedings conference ICCV'95, Boston (251k).

  41. [11] A parametric deformable model to fit unstructured {3D} data E.~Bardinet, Laurent~D. Cohen, and N.~Ayache. To appear in Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 1996. Complete version appeared as INRIA RR 2617, (5.5M).

  42. [12] Analyzing the deformation of the left ventricle of the heart with a parametric deformable model E.~Bardinet, Laurent~D. Cohen, and N.~Ayache. To appear in MEDIA, Medical Image Analysis, an international journal on Computer Vision, Visualisation and Image Guided Intervention in Medicine, 1996. Complete version appeared as INRIA RR 2797, (6.7M).

  43. [13] Tracking medical 3{D} data with a deformable parametric model. E.~Bardinet, Laurent~D. Cohen, and N.~Ayache. In Proc. Third European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'96), Cambridge, U. K., April 1996. (800k)
    See also Tracking medical {3D} data with a parametric deformable model. E.~Bardinet, Laurent~D. Cohen, and N.~Ayache. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium On Computer Vision, Coral Gables, Florida, November 1995. (5.5M).

  44. [23] Aoms un outil de releve 3D d'environnements industriels .   (Postscript.gz)  Patrick Sayd, Sylvie Naudet, Marc Viala, Laurent~Cohen, and Arnaud~Dumont. In  Actes du congres de Vision ORASIS 2001, Cahors, Juin 2001. See also AOMS, Un nouvel outil de photogrammetrie presented in "Methodes et techniques optiques  pour l'industrie" in Biarritz,  2000 and An as-build on line modeling technique {AOMS} Sylvie Naudet, Marc Viala, Patrick Sayd, Laurent Cohen, Fr\'ed\'eric Jallon, Arnauld Dumont, and J. Monnerie, Proceedings of XIXth ISPRS Congress, Amsterdam, July 2000.

  45. [29] Extraction of Rectangular Buildings using DEM and Orthoimage. S. Vinson, L. D. Cohen and F. Perlant. In Proc. Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis  (SCIA'01), June 2001, Bergen, Norway.(Postscript 5.7M, PDF  4M).

  46. [39] Multiple rectangle model for Buildings Segmentation and 3D Scene Reconstruction.  Samuel Vinson  and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. 16th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02), Quebec, Canada, August 2002. (pdf file 1.8M. Similar paper in French for RFIA'02 1M)

  47. [42] Segmentation of Complex Buildings from Aerial Images and 3D Surface Reconstruction. , Laurent D. Cohen and Samuel Vinson. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV'02), Orlando, Florida, December 2002. (pdf file 0.7M)

  48. Prior-based Piecewise-smooth Segmentation by Template Competitive Deformation using Partitions of Unity. Oudom Somphone and Benoit Mory and Sherif Makram-Ebeid and Laurent D. Cohen. tenth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'08)}, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008.

  49. A geodesic Voting Shape Prior To Constrain the Level Set Evolution for the Segmentation of Tubular Trees, Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. SSVM'11: 3rd International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Ein Gedi, Israël (2011)

  50. Incorporating shape variability in image segmentation via implicit template deformation, R. Prevost, R. Cuingnet, B. Mory, L. D. Cohen, R. Ardon In Proc. 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2013), LNCS , Springer 2013, Nagoya, Japan, September 22-26th, 2013

  51. Incorporating Shape Variability in Image Segmentation via Implicit Template Deformation. R. Prevost, R. Cuingnet, B. Mory, L. D. Cohen and R. Ardon. in Biomedical Image Segmentation: Advances and Trends, CRC Press, 2016, pp 1-34.


    Shape Recognition

  53. Shape Matching Using the Geodesic Eccentricity Transform - A Study, Adrian Ion and Gabriel Peyre and Yll Haxhimusa and Samuel Peltier and Walter G. Kropatsch and Laurent Cohen. Proceedings of OAGM'07, Schloss Krumbach, Austria, 3-4 May 2007

  54. Shape Matching Using the Geodesic Eccentricity Transform - A Study. Adrian Ion and N. M. Artner and Gabriel Peyre and S. B. L. Marmol and Walter G. Kropatsch and Laurent D. Cohen. Proceedings of S3D (Search in 3D), an IEEE CVPR08 Workshop}, Anchorage, Alaska, June 27, 2008.

  55. Geodesic Shapes and Surfaces Retrieval via Optimal Mass Transport, Rabin, J., Peyre, G., and Cohen, L. D.,, Proc. of ECCV'10, Greece, September 2010.

  56. Matching 2D and 3D Articulated Shapes using Eccentricity, Adrian Ion, N. M. Artner, Gabriel Peyré, Walter G. Kropatsch, Laurent D. Cohen, CVIU, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115, 6 (2011) 817-834

    Shape Reconstruction from multiple views

  57. A Robust Approach for 3D model reconstruction from a video sequence of Cars. Adrien Auclair and Laurent Cohen and Nicole Vincent, Proceedings of 15th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA 2007}, Aalborg, Denmark, June 14-17, 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin,

  58. Using Point Correspondences Without Projective Deformation For Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction. Adrien Auclair and Laurent Cohen and Nicole Vincent, Proceedings of IEEE ICIP 2008}, San Diego, California, USA, October 15-18, 2008.

  59. Reconstruction of 3D Tubular Structures from Cone-Beam Projections, Jia Li and Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'11), Chicago, USA, April 2011.

  60. Sparse reconstruction from a limited projection number of the coronary artery tree in X-ray rotational imaging. Yining Hu, Miyoun Jung, Ahmed Oukili, Guanyu Yang, Jean-Claude Nunes, Jérome Fehrenbach, Gabriel Peyre, Marc Bedossa, Limin Luo, Christine Toumoulin and Laurent D. Cohen, In Proc. Eigth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'12), Barcelona, Spain, May 2-5 2012.

    Content Based Image Retrieval


  61. How to Use SIFT Vectors to Analyze an Image with Database Templates. Adrien Auclair and Laurent Cohen and Nicole Vincent, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, AMR'07}, Paris, France, 5-6 July 2007

  62. Hachage de descripteurs locaux pour la recherche d'images similaires. Adrien Auclair and Laurent D. Cohen and Nicole Vincent. In {\em Proc. ORASIS'09, Congr\`es des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur}, Tr\'egastel, 8-12 juin 2009.

  63. Hash functions for near duplicate image retrieval.. Adrien Auclair and Laurent D. Cohen and Nicole Vincent. In IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV'09, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 7-8 December, 2009.

    Motion and Optical Flow

  64. [19] Cardiac wall tracking using doppler tissue imaging ({DTI}). Laurent~D. Cohen, F.~Pajany, D.~Pellerin, and C.~Veyrat. In {\em IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'96)}, Lausanne, Suisse, September 1996. (516k).

  65. [22a] Deformable surfaces and parametric models to fit and track 3D data. Laurent D. Cohen. Conference invitee a la session {3D} shape {R}ecovery and {A}nalysis. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Beijing, China, Oct 1996.

  66. [33] Deformation Field Estimation for the Cardiac Wall using Doppler Tissue Imaging. Valerie Moreau,  Laurent Cohen and Denis Pellerin. In  Proc. Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart FIMH'01, November, 2001. (pdf 1.3M).

  67. [38] Estimation and Analysis of the Deformation of the Cardiac Wall using Doppler Tissue Imaging. Valerie Moreau, Laurent D.Cohen and Denis Pellerin. In Proc. 16th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02), Quebec, Canada, August 2002. (pdf file 1.6M. )

  68. [52] A Multiple Target Approach for Single Quantum Dot Tracking. , Stephane Bonneau and Laurent D. Cohen and Maxime Dahan. In {\em Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI'04}, Arlington, USA, April 2004. (pdf file 0.8M)

  69. [60] Tracking Single Quantum Dots in Live Cells with Minimal Paths. , Stephane Bonneau, Maxime Dahan and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. IEEE CVPR05 Workshop on Computer Vision Methods for Bioinformatics, San Diego, USA, June 2005. (pdf file M)

  70. [61] Single Quantum Dot tracking based on perceptual grouping using minimal paths in a spatio-temporal volume. , Stephane Bonneau, Maxime Dahan and Laurent D. Cohen. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, special issue on Molecular and Cellular Imaging, 14(9):1384--1395, September 2005. (pdf file 1.2M)

  71. [65] D\'etection et suivi d'objets ponctuels dans des s\'equences d'images de fluorescence. , Stephane Bonneau, Laurent D. Cohen and Maxime Dahan. in Proc. RFIA 2006, 15e congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA, Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Tours, 25-27 janvier 2006. (pdf file 0.4M)

  72. Minimal path techniques for automatic extraction of microglia extensions, Youssef Rouchdy, Laurent D. Cohen, Olivier Pascual and Alain Bessis, in International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCV&B), 2011

  73. Non-local Active Contours. Miyoun Jung, Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen.In SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2012.

    Image and structure Registration

  74. [21] Face identification by deformation measure B.~Leroy, I.~Herlin, and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'96)}}, Vienne, Austria, August 1996. (200k).

  75. [22b] Fingerprint Image Matching by minimization of a thin-plate energy using a two-step algorithm with auxiliary variables. Andres Almensa  and L.D. Cohen. In Proc. Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision  (WACV'00), December 2000, Palm Springs. (pdf file 1M).

  76. [24] Image registration, optical flow and local rigidity. M. Lefebure and L. D. Cohen. CEREMADE TR 0102, Jan 2001 and Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 14(2), March 2001. (Postscript 2M, PDF 1.7M). Presented in  Proc. of IEEE Scale-Space and Morphology in Computer Vision, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001.  (Postscript 700k)

  77. [25] Optical Flow and Image Registration : a New Local Rigidity Approach for Global Minimization. M.~Lefebure and L.~D. Cohen. in Proc. EMMCVPR'01, Sophia Antipolis, September 2001. (pdf 900k)

  78. [35] A new Image Registration Technique with Free Boundary Constraints : Application to Mammography. Frederic Richard and Laurent D. Cohen. In  Proc. seventh European Conference on Computer Vision  (ECCV'02)}, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2002. (PS.gz 1.6M. Similar paper in French for RFIA'02 ). Full paper in Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Special Issue of on Nonrigid Image Registration, Volume 89, Issues 2-3, Pages 166-196 February - March 2003.

  79. Image Registration with a Partition of Unity Finite Element Method. Oudom Somphone and Sherif Makram-Ebeid and Laurent Cohen. International Conference on Nonconvex programming: local and global approaches, Theory, Algorithms and Applications, NPC'07}, Rouen, France, 17-21 December, 2007.

  80. Robust Image Registration Based on a Partition of Unity Finite Element Method, Oudom Somphone and Sherif Makram-Ebeid and Laurent D. Cohen. Proc. Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'08)}, Paris, France, May 14-17, 2008.

  81. Tagged Template Deformation, R. Prevost, B. Mory, R. Cuingnet, L. D. Cohen and R. Ardon In Proc. 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2014), LNCS , Springer 2014, Boston, USA, September 14-18th, 2014.

  82. Vehicle X-Ray Scans Registration: A One-Dimensional Optimization Problem. Abraham Marciano, Najib Gadi and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 6th International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM’17), Kolding, Denmark, June 4–8th, 2017.

  83. Recalage d’Images Radiographiques de Véhicules : Un Problème d’Optimisation Unidimensionnel. Abraham Marciano, Laurent D. Cohen and Najib Gadi. In Proc. ORASIS 2017), Colleville-sur-Mer, June 12-16th, 2017.

  84. Vehicle X-Ray Images Registration. Abraham Marciano, Laurent D. Cohen and Najib Gadi. In Proc. 11th International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EMMCVPR’17, Venice, Italy, October 30-November 1st, 2017

  85. 4D   point cloud registration for tumor vascular networks monitoring from ultrasensitive Doppler images,
    Emmanuel Cohen and Thomas Deffieux and Charlie Demen\'e and Laurent D. Cohen and Mickael Tanter.
         In     Proc. 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2019), New York City, USA, 14 – 16 August 2019.


    Minimal Paths and Global Minimum for Active Contours. Fast Marching Algorithm.

  87. [40] Chemins Minimaux et Modeles Deformables en Analyse d'Images, Minimal Paths and Deformable Models for Image Analysis (in French). Laurent D. Cohen. Conference pleniere invitee. In Actes Journees d'etudes SEE: Le Traitement d'Images a l'Aube Du XXIeme Siecle, Paris, France, Mars 2002. (pdf file 2.4M).

  88. [51] Chemins Minimaux et Modeles Deformables en Analyse d'Images, Laurent D. Cohen. Traitement du Signal}, Volume 20 numero 3, Numero special: Le traitement du signal a l'aube du XXIeme siecle, Pages 225--241, Decembre 2003. Voir aussi Chemins Minimaux et Modeles Deformables Elastiques en Analyse d'images. , Laurent~D. Cohen, In Lettres des Departements scientifiques du CNRS, SPM, N. 42, pages 15--16, Decembre 2003. (pdf file 1.3M)

  89. [55] Minimal Paths and Fast Marching Methods for Image Analysis. , Laurent~D. Cohen, In Mathematical Models in Computer Vision: The Handbook, Nikos Paragios and Yunmei Chenand Olivier Faugeras Editors, Springer 2005. To appear. (pdf file 0.8M)

  90. [10] Edge integration using minimal geodesics. L.Cohen and R. Kimmel. Technical report, Ceremade, Universit\'e Paris Dauphine, January 1995. Cahiers de Mathematiques de la Decision 9504.

  91. [15] Global minimum for active contour models: A minimal path approach Laurent D. Cohen and R.~Kimmel. in International Journal of Computer Vision, August 1997. Complete version appeared as CEREMADE TR 9612, (1.5M).

  92. [16] Global minimum for active contour models: A minimal path approach Laurent D. Cohen and Ron Kimmel. In Proc. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'96), San Francisco, USA, June 1996. (1.3M).

  93. [17] Regularization properties for minimal geodesics of a potential energy. Laurent~D. Cohen and Ron Kimmel. In {\em {Proc. 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Images, Wavelets and PDE's (ICAOS'96)}}, Paris, France, June 1996. (160k).

  94. [18a] Fast Marching the global minimum of Active Contours. Laurent~D. Cohen and Ron Kimmel. In {\em IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'96)}, Lausanne, Suisse, September 1996. Invited conference to the session {P}artial {D}ifferential {E}quations. (150k).

  95. [30] Multiple contour finding and perceptual grouping using minimal paths. L. D. Cohen. CEREMADE TR 0101, Jan 2001. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 14(3), May 2001. (Postscript 1M, PDF 800k). Presented in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Variational and Level Set  Methods in Computer Vision (Postscript 650k).

  96. [31] Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping as a set of Energy Minimizing Paths  L.~D. Cohen. and T. Deschamps in Proc. EMMCVPR'01, Sophia Antipolis, September 2001. (pdf 500k nicer pdf ).

  97. [34] Grouping connected components using minimal path techniques. LaurentD. Cohen and Thomas Deschamps. In Proc. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'01), December, 2001. (postcript 1.1M pdf  0.9M. Similar paper in French for RFIA'02 ) Related paper in Springer, Geometrical Method in Biomedical image processing. R. Malladi (ed.), 2002.

  98. [61] Single Quantum Dot tracking based on perceptual grouping using minimal paths in a spatio-temporal volume. , Stephane Bonneau, Maxime Dahan and Laurent D. Cohen. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, special issue on Molecular and Cellular Imaging, 14(9):1384--1395, September 2005. (pdf file 1.2M)

  99. [63] Heuristically Driven Front Propagation for Geodesic Paths Extraction. , Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 3rd IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM'05), Nice, Springer LNCS, p.173-184, Oct. 2005. (pdf file 4.2M)

  100. [66] Landmark-based Computation for Heuristically Driven Path Planning. , Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen. in Proc. IEEE CVPR06 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition New York, USA, June 17-22, 2006. (pdf file 3.5M)

  101. [74] Heuristically Driven Front Propagation for Fast Geodesic Extraction, to appear in International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCV&B), 1(1), 2007.

  102. Fast Object Segmentation by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point on 2D or 3D Images Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. To appear, 2009.

  103. Geodesic Methods for Shape and Surface Processing, Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen in Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Methods and Applications, Springer, 2009.

  104. Segmentation of microglia from confocal microscope images combining the Fast Marching Method with Harris Points. Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen and Olivier Pascual and Alain Bessis, Proceedings of third international workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology, MIAAB 2008}, in conjuction with MICCAI in New York, NY, September 06, 2008.

  105. Image Segmentation by Geodesic Voting. Application to the Extraction of Tree Structures from Confocal Microscope Images. Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen, Proceedings of 19th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2008}, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 8-11, 2008.

  106. Geodesically linked active contours: evolution strategy based on minimal paths. Julien Mille and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM'09)}, Voss, Norway, June 1 - June 5, 2009, Springer LNCS.

  107. The shading zone problem in geodesic voting and its solutions for the segmentation of tree structures. Application to the segmentation of Microglia extensions. Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. MMBIA 2009: IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis}}, in conjunction with CVPR'09, Miami, Florida, USA, June 20-25, 2009.

  108. Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics, Gabriel Peyré, Mickaël Péchaud, Renaud Keriven and Laurent D. Cohen, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision 5, 3-4 (2010) 197-397 (200 pages book)

  109. A geodesic voting method for the segmentation of tubular tree and centerlines, Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'11), pp. 979-983, Chicago, USA, April 2011.

  110. A geodesic Voting Shape Prior To Constrain the Level Set Evolution for the Segmentation of Tubular Trees, Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. SSVM'11: 3rd International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Ein Gedi, Israël (2011)

  111. Minimal path techniques for automatic extraction of microglia extensions, Youssef Rouchdy, Laurent D. Cohen, Olivier Pascual and Alain Bessis, in International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCV&B), 2011

  112. Retinal blood vessel segmentation using geodesic voting methods. Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen, In Proc. Eigth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'12), pp. 979-983, Barcelona, Spain, May 2-5 2012.

  113. Minimally overlapping paths sets for closed contour extraction. Julien Mille, Sebastien Bougleux and Laurent Cohen. In Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Rome, Italy, 24-26 february 2012

  114. Geodesic voting methods: overview, extensions, and application to blood vessel segmentation. Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen. In Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization, 1(2):79-88, June 2013.

  115. Geodesic voting for the automatic extraction of tree structures. Methods and applications. Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 117(10):1453-1467, 2013.

  116. Combination of paths for interactive segmentation, J. Mille, S. Bougleux and L.D. Cohen, In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2013), Bristol, England, September 2013

  117. Combination of piecewise geodesic paths for interactive segmentation. Julien Mille, S´ebastien Bougleux and Laurent D. Cohen. in International Journal of Computer Vision, 112(1):1-22, March 2015.

  118. Global Minimum for Curvature Penalized Minimal Path Method, Da Chen and Jean-Marie Mirebeau and Laurent D. Cohen In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2015), Swansea, UK, 7 10 September 2015.

  119. Vessel Extraction Using Crossing-Adaptive Minimal Path Model with Anisotropic Enhancement and Curvature Constraint. Li Liu, Da Chen, Laurent Cohen, Huazhong Shu, Michel Pâques. In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'19), Venice, Italy, April 8 - 11, 2019.

  120. Geodesic Paths for Image Segmentation with Implicit Region-based Homogeneity Enhancement. Da Chen, Jian Zhu, Xinxin Zhang, Ming-Lei Shu and Laurent D. Cohen.
     in     IEEE Trans. on Image Processing    ,  Volume 30, May 2021, Pages 5138-5153.  10.1109/TIP.2021.3078106t;. ;hal-02996798t;

  121. Trajectory Grouping with Curvature Regularization for Tubular Structure Tracking. Li Liu, Da Chen, Ming-Lei Shu, Baosheng Li, Huazhong Shu, Michel Paques and Laurent D. Cohen.
     in     IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Volume 31, 2021, pages 405 ? 418.  10.1109/TIP.2021.3131940t;. ;hal-02996874t;

  122. Grouping Boundary Proposals for Fast Interactive Image Segmentation. Li Liu, Da Chen, Ming-Lei Shu and Laurent D. Cohen. in IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Volume 33, 2024, pages 793-808.

    Anisotropic Fast Marching, Riemannian and Finsler Metrics

  123. Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain Meshing. Sebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent D. Cohen. Proc. tenth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'08)}, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008.

  124. Tubular anisotropy for 3D vessels segmentation. Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM'09)}, Voss, Norway, June 1 - June 5, 2009, Springer LNCS.

  125. Tubular anisotropy for 2D vessels segmentation. Fethallah Benmansour, Laurent D. Cohen, Max W.K. Law and Albert C.S. Chung, In Proc. Of IEEE CVPR09; Miami, Florida, USA, June 2009.

  126. A New interactive method for coronary arteries segmentation based on tubular anisotropy. Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent Cohen, In {\em {Proc. Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'09)}}, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 28 - July 1, 2009.

  127. Compression d'images par triangulations géodésiques anisotropes. S\'ebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. GRETSI}}, Dijon, France, September 8-11, 2009

  128. Image Compression with Anisotropic Geodesic Triangulations. S\'ebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'09)}}, Kyoto, Japan, September 29th-October 2nd, 2009.

  129. Tubular Structure Segmentation Based on Minimal Path Method and Anisotropic Enhancement. Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen, In International Journal of Computer Vision, 2010.

  130. Vessel Extraction Using Anisotropic Minimal Paths and Path Score. Da Chen, Laurent D. Cohen and Jean-Marie Mirebeau In Proc. 21st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), Paris, France, Octobre 27-30, 2014.

  131. Geodesic Distance and Curves Through Isotropic and Anisotropic Heat Equations on Images and Surfaces. Fang Yang and Laurent D. Cohen. in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Special Issue on Shape Analysis Beyond the Eikonal    Equation, 55(2):210-228, June 2016.

  132. Vessel Tree Extraction using Radius-Lifted Keypoints Searching Scheme and Anisotropic Fast Marching Method. Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau and Laurent D. Cohen. in Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, 2016. vol. 10, n°4, p. 224-234

  133. A New Finsler Minimal Path Model with Curvature Penalization for Image Segmentation and Closed Contour Detection, Da Chen and Jean-Marie Mirebeau and Laurent D. Cohen, In Proc. EEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016), Las Vegas, USA, June 26th- July 1st 2016

  134. Finsler Geodesic Evolution Model for Region based Active Contours, Da Chen and Jean-Marie Mirebeau and Laurent D. Cohen In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2016), York County, UK, 19 22 September 2016

  135. Tubular Structure Segmentation based on Heat Diffusion. Fang Yang and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 6th International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM’17), Kolding, Denmark, June 4–8th, 2017.

  136. Anisotropic Edge-based Balloon Eikonal Active Contours,Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen , In Proc. 3rd conference on Geometric Science of Information (GSI2017), Paris (France), November 7-9th, 2017

  137. Global Minimum For A Finsler Elastica Minimal Path Approach. Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau and Laurent D. Cohen. in International Journal of Computer Vision, issue 03 2017.

  138. Asymmetric Geodesic Distance Propagation for Active Contours, Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen,  In Proc. 29th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC’18), Newcastle, UK, 3-6 September, 2018

  139. Geodesics via asymetric Heat diffusion based on Finsler Metric. Fang Yang, Li Chai, Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen. in Proc. 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV18), Perth, Australia, 2-6 December,  2018.

  140. From Active Contours to Minimal Geodesic Paths: New Solutions to Active Contours Problems by Eikonal Equations. Da Chen and  Laurent D. Cohen, in Handbook of Numerical Analysis, volume 20-- Processing, Analyzing and Learning of Images, Shapes, and Forms, pages 1--44, Elsevier, 2019.

  141. Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching front freezing scheme. Li Liu, Da Chen, Laurent D. Cohen, Jiasong Wu, Michel Paques and Huazhong Shu.  in     Pattern Recognition, Volume 104, August  2020, Pages 766-783. 10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107349t; hal-02996912t

  142. A new Tubular Structure Tracking Algorithm based on Curvature-penalized Perceptual Grouping.
    Li Liu, Da Chen, Minglei Shu, Huazhong Shu and Laurent D. Cohen.
       In     Proc. 2021 IEEE 46th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2021),  Virtual and Toronto, Canada, 6-11 June 2021.

  143. An Elastica Geodesic Approach with Convexity Shape Prior for Region based Active Contours and Image Segmentation.
    Da Chen, Laurent D. Cohen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau and Xue-Cheng Tai.
       In     Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV21),  Virtual, Montreal, Canada, 11-17 October, 2021. hal-03174123v2t

  144. Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-penalized Geodesics. Li Liu, Mingzhu Wang, Shuwang Zhou, Minglei Shu, Laurent D. Cohen and Da Chen.
     in     Pattern Recognition, Volume 134, August  2023
    Pages 766-783.

  145. Computing geodesic paths encoding a curvature prior for curvilinear structure tracking. Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Minglei Shu and Laurent D. Cohen.
     in     PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 120 (33), August 7, 2023. 10.1073/pnas.22188691

  146. Geodesic Models With Convexity Shape Prior.
    Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Minglei Shu, Xuecheng  Tai  and Laurent D. Cohen.
      in     IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), volume 45, no. 07, pp. 8433-8452, 2023.

  147. A Region-Based Randers Geodesic Approach for Image Segmentation.
    Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Huazhong Shu and Laurent D. Cohen.
      in     International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV),  2023
     doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3225192


    3D centered Minimal Paths (and Virtual Endoscopy)

  149. [26] Minimal paths in 3D images and application to virtual endoscopy.  T. Deschamps and L.D. Cohen. In  Proc. sixth European Conference on Computer Vision  (ECCV'00), Dublin, Ireland, 26th June - 1st July 2000. (Postscript 2M, PDF 1M).  A related paper appeared at ISRACAS00,. Technion, Haifa, May 2000. (Postscript 2.8M).

  150. [27] Fast extraction of minimal paths in 3D images and application to virtual endoscopy.  T.~Deschamps and L.D. Cohen. Technical Report 0026, CEREMADE, September 2000. (Postscript 5M, PDF). To appear in  Medical Image Analysis.

  151. [28] Clinical evaluation of an automatic path tracker for virtual colonoscopy. R. TRUYEN and T. DESCHAMPS and L.D.  COHEN. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), October 2001, Utrecht, Netherlands. (Pdf 0.5M).

  152. Tubular anisotropy for 3D vessels segmentation. Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM'09)}, Voss, Norway, June 1 - June 5, 2009, Springer LNCS.

  153. Tubular anisotropy for 2D vessels segmentation. Fethallah Benmansour, Laurent D. Cohen, Max W.K. Law and Albert C.S. Chung, In Proc. Of IEEE CVPR09; Miami, Florida, USA, June 2009.

  154. 3D Multi-branch Tubular Surface and Centerline Extraction with 4D Iterative Key Points. Hua Li and Anthony Yezzi and Laurent Cohen. in {\em {Proc. 12th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'09}}, Imperial College, London, UK, September 21-24, 2009.

  155. A geodesic voting method for the segmentation of tubular tree and centerlines, Youssef Rouchdy and Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'11), pp. 979-983, Chicago, USA, April 2011.

  156. A New Dynamic Minimal Path Model for Tubular Structure Centerline Delineation. Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen , In Proc. IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018), Beijing, China, August 20-24th, 2018

  157. Minimal Paths for Tubular Structure Segmentation with Coherence Penalty and Adaptive Anisotropy. Da Chen, Jiong Zhang and Laurent D. Cohen.
    in IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 1271 - 1284, March 2019 .


    Fast Segmentation with Fast Marching Algorithm/ Front Propagation

  159. [36] Real-time Interactive Path Extraction with On-the-fly Adaptation of the external forces. O. Gerard, T. Deschamps, Myriam Greff and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. seventh European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'02), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2002. (pdf  0.7M)

  160. [37] Fast extraction of tubular and tree 3D surfaces with front propagation methods. Thomas Deschamps  and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. 16th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02), Quebec, Canada, August 2002. (pdf file 1.3M. )

  161. [41] Fast surface segmentation of 3D tree structures with front propagation methods. , Thomas Deschamps, Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. Fifth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Saint-Malo, France, June 27 - July 3, 2002 (pdf file 0.9M)

  162. [62] Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-front Active Contours With Optional User-Interaction. , Hua Li, Anthony Yezzi and Laurent D. Cohen. in Proc. IEEE CVBIA'05 Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications: Current Techniques and Future Trends, An International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Workshop, Beijing, China, October 21, 2005. (pdf file 0.4M)

  163. [71] Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-front Active Contours With Optional User-Interaction. , Hua Li, Anthony Yezzi and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Special issue on Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Biomedical Images. To appear in 2006. (pdf file 3M)

  164. [73] Segmentation of 3D tubular objects with adaptive front propagation and minimal tree extraction for 3D medical imaging. Laurent D. Cohen and Thomas Deschamps. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 10(4):289 - 305, August 2007.

  165. Vessel Tree Segmentation Via Front Propagation and Dynamic Anisotropic Riemannian Metric, Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen In Proc.IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2016), Prague, Republique Tcheque, April 13-16 2016.

  166. Ultrasensitive Doppler based neuronavigation system for preclinical brain imaging applications, Emmanuel Cohen, Thomas Deffieux, Elodie Tiran, Charlie Demen´e, Laurent Cohen, Mickael Tanter. In Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonic Symposium (IUS 2016), Tours, France, 18 21 September 2016.

  167. 3D vessel extraction in the rat brain from Ultrasensitive Doppler images, Emmanuel Cohen and Thomas Deffieux and Charlie Demen´e and Laurent D. Cohen and Mickael  Tanter. In Proc. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2016), Tel Aviv, Israel, 20 22 September 2016, Poster Presentation Award.

  168. Extraction 3D du réseau vasculaire cérébral chez le rat à partir d’images Doppler ultrasensible. Emmanuel Cohen and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. ORASIS 2017), Colleville-sur-Mer, June 12-16th, 2017.

  169. An Isotropic Minimal Path Based Framework for Segmentation and Quantification of Vascular Networks. Emmanuel Cohen, Laurent D. Cohen, Thomas Deffieux and Mickael Tanter. In Proc. 11th International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EMMCVPR’17, Venice, Italy, October 30-November 1st, 2017

  170. Fast Asymmetric Fronts Propagation for Voronoi Region Partitioning and Image Segmentation. Da Chen and Laurent Cohen. In Proc. 11th International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EMMCVPR’17, Venice, Italy, October 30-November 1st, 2017

  171. Fast Asymmetric Fronts Propagation for Image Segmentation. Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen. in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 60 Issue 6, July 2018, Pages 766-783.

  172. A Generalized Asymmetric Dual-front Model for Active Contours and Image Segmentation.
    Da Chen, Jack Spencer, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Ke Chen, Ming-Lei Shu and Laurent D. Cohen.
      in     IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Volume 30, May 2021, Pages 5056-5071. 10.1109/TIP.2021.3078102t;. ;hal-03425885t;


    Adaptive Remeshing using Front Propagation

  174. [30] Multiple contour finding and perceptual grouping using minimal paths. L. D. Cohen. CEREMADE TR 0101, Jan 2001. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 14(3), May 2001. (Postscript 1M, PDF 800k). Presented in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Variational and Level Set  Methods in Computer Vision (Postscript 650k).

  175. [48] Geodesic re-meshing and parameterization using front propagation. , Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM'03), Nice, October 2003. (pdf file 3.2M). Similar paper in French for RFIA04 (0.6M)

  176. [53] Surface Segmentation Using Geodesic Centroidal Tesselation. , Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen. In {\em Proc. of 2nd IEEE International Symposium on 3DPVT (3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission)}, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2004. (pdf file 3.2M).

  177. [54] Geodesic Computations for Fast and Accurate Surface Remeshing and Parameterization. , Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen. To appear in 2005 (pdf file 4.5M).

  178. [68] Geodesic Remeshing Using Front Propagation. , Gabriel Peyre and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal on Computer Vision, Special Issue on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM 2003), 69(1):145--156, August 2006. (pdf file 1.7M)

  179. Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain Meshing. Sebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent D. Cohen. Proc. tenth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'08)}, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008.

  180. Compression d'images par triangulations géodésiques anisotropes. S\'ebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. GRETSI}}, Dijon, France, September 8-11, 2009

  181. Image Compression with Anisotropic Geodesic Triangulations. S\'ebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent Cohen. In {\em {Proc. Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'09)}}, Kyoto, Japan, September 29th-October 2nd, 2009.


    Curve and Surface Segmentation from a set of minimal Paths

  183. [49] Fast Constrained Surface Extraction by Minimal Paths. , Roberto Ardon and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM'03), Nice, October 2003. (pdf file 1M) Similar paper in French for RFIA04 (1.2M)

  184. [50] Efficient initialization for constrained active surfaces, applications in 3D Medical Images. , Roberto Ardon and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image Analysis (CVAMIA) and Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA) Workshop 2004, Springer, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. (pdf file M).

  185. [64] A new implicit method for surface segmentation by minimal paths: Applications in 3D medical images. , Roberto Ardon, Laurent D. Cohen and Anthony Yezzi. in Proc. EMMCVPR 2005, Fifth International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. St. Augustine, FL, USA, November 9-11, 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3757 Springer. (pdf file 2.9M)

  186. [67] Fast Constrained Surface Extraction by Minimal Paths. , Roberto Ardon and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal on Computer Vision, Special Issue on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision, Volume , Issue, Pages February - March 2005. To appear. (pdf file M)

  187. [70] Fast surface segmentation guided by user input using implicit extension of minimal paths. , Roberto Ardon, Laurent D. Cohen and Anthony Yezzi. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, To appear in 2006. (pdf file 2.5M)

  188. [72] A new implicit method for surface segmentation by minimal paths in {3D} images. , Roberto Ardon, Laurent D. Cohen and Anthony Yezzi. Applied Mathematics and Optimization}}, To appear in 2006. (pdf file 1.2M)

  189. Finding a Closed Boundary by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point on 2D or 3D Images. Fethallah Benmansour and Stephane Bonneau and Laurent D. Cohen, in Proc. IEEE Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis MMBIA 2007, An International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'07) Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 14-15, 2007.

  190. Finding a Closed Boundary by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point. Fethallah Benmansour and Stephane Bonneau and Laurent D. Cohen, in Proc. of the Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, Porto, Portugal, October 2007.

  191. An Implicit Approach to Closed Surface and Contour Segmentation Based on Geodesic Meshing and Transport Equation. Fethallah Benmansour and Stephane Bonneau and Laurent D. Cohen, in Actes RFIA 2008, 16e congres francophone AFRIF-AFIA Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Amiens, France, 22-25 Janvier, 2008.

  192. Anisotropic Geodesics for Perceptual Grouping and Domain Meshing. Sebastien Bougleux and Gabriel Peyr\'e and Laurent D. Cohen. Proc. tenth European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'08)}, Marseille, France, October 12-18, 2008.

  193. An Implicit Method for Interpolating two Digital Curves on Parallel Planes. Nikos Gabrielides and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM'09)}, Voss, Norway, June 1 - June 5, 2009, Springer LNCS.

  194. From a single point to a surface patch by growing minimal paths. Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen In Proc. of 2nd Second International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM'09)}, Voss, Norway, June 1 - June 5, 2009, Springer LNCS.

  195. Fast Object Segmentation by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point on 2D or 3D Images Fethallah Benmansour and Laurent D. Cohen. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. To appear, 2009.

  196. Reconstruction of 3D Tubular Structures from Cone-Beam Projections, Jia Li and Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'11), Chicago, USA, April 2011.

  197. A Hybrid Scheme for Contour Detection and Completion Based on Topological Gradient and Fast Marching Algorithms - Application to Inpainting and Segmentation, Y Ahipo, Didier Auroux and Laurent D. Cohen, Proc. SSVM'11: 3rd International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Ein Gedi, Israël (2011)

  198. Contour Detection and Completion for Inpainting and Segmentation Based on Topological Gradient and Fast Marching Algorithms, Didier Auroux, Laurent D. Cohen, and Mohamed Masmoudi, in International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Special Issue on Mathematical Methods for Images and Surfaces 2011, Volume 2011, Pages 1-20.

  199. Minimally overlapping paths sets for closed contour extraction. Julien Mille, Sebastien Bougleux and Laurent Cohen. In Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Rome, Italy, 24-26 february 2012

  200. Combination of paths for interactive segmentation, J. Mille, S. Bougleux and L.D. Cohen, In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2013), Bristol, England, September 2013

  201. Combination of piecewise geodesic paths for interactive segmentation. Julien Mille, S´ebastien Bougleux and Laurent D. Cohen. in International Journal of Computer Vision, 112(1):1-22, March 2015. 

  202. Piecewise Geodesics for Vessel Centerline Extraction and Boundary Delineation with Application to Retina Segmentation.  Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc.of 5th International Conference on Scale Space Methods and Variational Methods in Computer Vision ( SSVM ’15), Lège-Cap Ferret, France, May 31 - June 4, 2015, Springer LNCS 9087, pages 270-281. 

  203. Automatic Vessel Tree Structure Extraction by Growing Minimal Paths and a Mask.Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen In Proc. 10th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’14), Beijing, China, April 29 - May 2, 2014.

  204. Tracking of Retinal Vessel Segments using Radius-Lifted Minimal Path Method. Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen Automatic In Proc. 19th Medical Image Understanding and Analysis Conference (MIUA 2015), Lincoln, UK, 15-17th July, 2015.

  205. Interactive Retinal Vessel Centreline Extraction and Boundary Delineation Using Anisotropic Fast Marching and Intensities Consistency. Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen. Special track on Ophthalmic imaging and analysis, In Proc. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC  2015), Milano, Italy, 25-29 August, 2015.



  208. Image Segmentation

  209. [2] Hierarchical region based stereo matching. Laurent Cohen, Laurent Vinet, Peter T. Sander, and Andre Gagalowicz. In Proc. 1989 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'89), San Diego, June 1989 (63k. Images not available on the postcript version).

  210. [32] A New Approach for Geodesic Reconstruction in Mathematical Morphology and Application to Image Segmentation and Tracking in Ophtalmology. Zakaria Ben Sbeh, Laurent D. Cohen, Gerard Mimoun and  Gabriel Coscas.  TR CEREMADE 0123. October 2001. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. (Postscript 4.5M, PDF 3.5M).

  211. [43] Partitions d'energie et segmentation d'images. , Pablo Arbelaez and Laurent~D. Cohen, In Actes du congr\`es de Vision ORASIS 2003}, Gerardmer, Mai 2003. (pdf file 6.5M)

  212. [44] The Extrema Edges. , Pablo A. Arbelaez and L.~D. Cohen. In Proc. of 4th International Conference on Scale-Space theories in Computer Vision, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK, June 2003. (pdf file 0.7M)

  213. [45] Path Variation and Image Segmentation. , Pablo A. Arbelaez and L.~D. Cohen. In Proc. of 4th International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR - 2003), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2003. (pdf file 0.7M)

  214. [46] Energy Partitions and Image Segmentation. , Pablo Arbelaez and Laurent~D. Cohen Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 20, Issue 1-2, Pages 43--57, January - March 2004. (pdf file 0.4M)

  215. [47] Generalized Voronoi Tesselations for Vector-Valued Image Segmentation. , Pablo A. Arbelaez and L.~D. Cohen. In Proc. of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM'03), Nice, October 2003. (pdf file 0.4M) Similar paper in French for RFIA04 (0.5M)

  216. [56] Segmentation d'Images Couleur par partitions de Voronoi. , Pablo Arbelaez and Laurent~D. Cohen, In Traitement du Signal}, Volume 21 numero 5, Numero special: L'image numerique couleur, Pages 20--40, Fevrier 2005. To appear. (pdf file 0.8M)

  217. [69] A Metric Approach to Vector-Valued Image Segmentation. , Pablo Arbelaez and Laurent D. Cohen. International Journal on Computer Vision, Special Issue on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision (VLSM 2003), 69(1):119--126, August 2006. (pdf file 0.8M)

  218. Constrained Image Segmentation from Hierarchical Boundaries. Pablo Arbelaez and Laurent D. Cohen. Proceedings of IEEE CVPR08}, Anchorage, Alaska, June 23-28, 2008.

  219. Automatic Segmentation of Natural Images with Anisotropic Fast Marching Algorithm and Geodesic Voting.  Vijaya Kumar GHORPADE and Laurent D. Cohen In Proc. 22nd  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2015), Quebec City, Canada, 27-30 September, 2015.

  220. A Model for Automatically Tracing Object Boundaries. Fang Yang, Laurent D. Cohen and Alfred Bruckstein. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’17), Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017.

  221. PointFlow: A Model for Automatically Tracing Object Boundaries and Inferring Illusory Contours. Fang Yang, Laurent Cohen and Alfred Bruckstein. In Proc. 11th International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EMMCVPR’17, Venice, Italy, October 30-November 1st, 2017


    Learning and Dimensionality Reduction, Medical Image Population.

  223. How to Use SIFT Vectors to Analyze an Image with Database Templates. Adrien Auclair and Laurent Cohen and Nicole Vincent, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, AMR'07}, Paris, France, 5-6 July 2007.

  224. Hash functions for near duplicate image retrieval.. Adrien Auclair and Laurent D. Cohen and Nicole Vincent. In IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV'09, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 7-8 December, 2009.

  225. Hachage de descripteurs locaux pour la recherche d'images similaires. Adrien Auclair and Laurent D. Cohen and Nicole Vincent. In {\em Proc. ORASIS'09, Congres des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur}, Tregastel, 8-12 juin 2009.

  226. Efficient Lesion Segmentation using Support Vector Machines.Jean-Baptiste Fiot, Laurent D. Cohen, Parnesh Raniga and Jurgen Fripp. In Proc. VIPIMAGE 2011, Third ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, Olhao, Portugal, September 2011. Best Student Paper Award.

  227. Multimodality Imaging Population Analysis using Manifold Learning. Jean-Baptiste Fiot, Laurent D. Cohen, Pierrick Bourgeat, Parnesh Raniga, Oscar Acosta, Victor Villemagne, Olivier Salvado and Jurgen Fripp. In Proc. VIPIMAGE 2011, Third ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing}, Olhão, Portugal, September 2011

  228. Combining Imaging And Clinical Data In Manifold Learning: Distance-Based And Graph-Based Extensions Of Laplacian Eigenmaps. Jean-Baptiste Fiot, Jurgen Fripp and Laurent D. Cohen, In Proc. Eigth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'12), Barcelona, Spain, May 2-5 2012.

  229. Local vs global descriptors of hippocampus shape evolution for Alzheimer's longitudinal population analysis. Jean-Baptiste Fiot, Laurent Risser, Laurent D. Cohen, Jurgen Fripp and François-Xavier Vialard. In Proc. 2nd International MICCAI Workshop on Spatiotemporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data (STIA'12), MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, october 1-5, 2012

  230. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Kidneys in 3D CT Images Using Random Forests. R. Cuingnet, R. Prevost, D. Lesage, L. Cohen, B. Mory, R. Ardon, In Proc. 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2012), LNCS 7512, Springer 2012, Nice, France, october 1-5, 2012

  231. Efficicient brain lesion segmentation using multi-modality tissue-based feature selection and Support Vector Machines. Jean-Baptiste Fiot, Laurent D. Cohen, Parnesh Raniga and Jurgen Fripp. In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Accepted for publication in 2013.

  232. Incorporating shape variability in image segmentation via implicit template deformation, R. Prevost, R. Cuingnet, B. Mory, L. D. Cohen, R. Ardon In Proc. 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2013), LNCS , Springer 2013, Nagoya, Japan, September 22-26th, 2013

  233. Longitudinal deformation models, spatial regularizations and learning strategies to quantify Alzheimers disease progression. Jean-Baptiste Fiot, Hugo Raguet, Laurent Risser, Laurent D. Cohen, Jurgen Fripp and Fran¸cois-Xavier Vialard, ADNI. In NeuroImage: Clinical , 4:718-729, May 2014. 

  234. Incorporating Shape Variability in Image Segmentation via Implicit Template Deformation. R. Prevost, R. Cuingnet, B. Mory, L. D. Cohen and R. Ardon. in Biomedical Image Segmentation: Advances and Trends, CRC Press, 2016, pp 1-34.

  235. Kidney Detection and Segmentation in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound 3D Images. R. Prevost, B. Mory, R. Cuingnet, J.-M. Correas, L. D. Cohen and R. Ardon. in Abdomen and Thoracic Imaging, Springer US, 2014, pp 37-67.


    Color Correction.

  237. Color Correction in Image Stitching Using Histogram Specification and Global Mapping, Qi-Chong Tian and Laurent D. Cohen. In Proc. sixth IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA 2016), Oulu, Finland, 12-15 December 2016.

  238. Color Consistency for Photo Collections without Gamut Problems, Qi-Chong Tian and Laurent D. Cohen. In 23rd International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2017), Reykjavik, Iceland, 4-6 January, 2017.

  239. Naturalness preservation image contrast enhancement via histogram modification, Qi-Chong Tian and Laurent D. Cohen. In 9th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2017), Qingdao, China, Oct 14-16, 2017.

  240. Global and Local Contrast Adaptive Enhancement for Non-uniform Illumination Color Images, Qi-Chong Tian and Laurent D. Cohen. In 6th Color and Photometry in Computer Vision ICCV’17 workshop, Venice, Italy, October 29th, 2017.

  241. Histogram-based Color Transfer for Image Stitching. Qi-Chong Tian and Laurent D. Cohen. in Journal of Imaging, Special Issue on Color Image Processing, , vol. 3, n°3, 2017.

  242. A variational-based fusion model for nonuniform illumination image enhancement via contrast optimization and color correction. Qi-Chong Tian and Laurent D. Cohen. in Signal Processing, Volume 153, December 2018, Pages 210-220.


    3D Shape and image generation

  244. Shape part Transfer via semantic latent space factorization, Raphael Groscot and  Laurent D. Cohen and Leonidas Guibas. In Proc. 4th conference on Geometric Science of Information (GSI2019),  Toulouse (France), August 27-29th,  2019,

  245. Geometric Deformation on Objects:Unsupervised Image Manipulation via Conjugation,
    Changqing Fu and Laurent D. Cohen.
       In     Proc. Eighth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2021), Virtual, 17-19 May 2021.

  246. Deformable Voxel Grids for Shape Comparisons. Raphael Groscot and  Laurent D. Cohen.
     In   14th International Conference on
    Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2022), May 2022, Wuhan (Virtual), China. ;hal?03863370t;

  247. Shape Morphing as a Minimal Path in the Graph of Cubified Shapes. Raphael Groscot and  Laurent D. Cohen.
     In   18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging
    and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP23), February 19-21, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal. DOI: 10.5220/0011680200003417  Best Paper Award

  248. Unified Shape Analysis and Synthesis via Deformable Voxel Grids. Raphael Groscot and  Laurent D. Cohen. in de Sousa, A.A., et al. Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. VISIGRAPP 2023.Revised selected papers. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2103. Springer, Cham. September 2024., 


    Hybrid methods: CNN and variational methods

  250. Fast Marching Energy CNN.
    Theo Bertrand, Nicolas Makaroff and Laurent D. Cohen.
      In     Proc. 9th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2023), Sardinia - Italy, May 21-25 2023.

  251. Chan-Vese Attention U-Net: An attentionmechanism for robust segmentation.
    Nicolas Makaroff and  Laurent D. Cohen.
       In     Proc. 6th conference on Geometric Science of Information (GSI2023),  Saint-Malo (France), August 30th-September 1st,  2023.

  252.  A model is worth tens of thousands of examples for estimation and thousands for classification. Thomas Dages, Laurent D. Cohen and Alfred M. Bruckstein. in Pattern Recognition, Volume 157, january  2025.




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