The European Master in Bayesian Statistics and Decision Analysis

  Thomas Bayes (?) 


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  Students admitted to the Master’s Degree Programme in Bayesian Statistics and Decision Analysis (EuroBayes) at  Université Paris Dauphine will study for a Master of Science degree in statistics consisting of 120 ECTS-compatible credits. The target schedule for completing this degree is two years. The language of instruction is English, unless all students in the first year indicate a clear preference for French. At least one academic term of studies is to be completed at one of the collaborating universities other than Université Paris Dauphine.

Courses of EuroBayes at Université Paris Dauphine are joint with those of Master Mido (Mathématique Informatique Décision Organisation) mention MMD (Mathématiques de la Modélisation et de la Décision) for the first year (M1) and with those of Master TSI (Traitement Statistique de l'Information) for the second year (M2), which include some courses given at ENSAE, Paris.

In both years, students of
EuroBayes will receive additional tutoring  from the program advisor, Professor Christian Robert, about the courses to be chosen as well as dedicated  research initiation seminars. A final two week summer school will complete the second year in common with the other collaborating universities.
M1 courses (ECTS):
Data analysis (4)
Econometrics 1 (4) and Econometrics 2 (4)
Practical Bayesian analysis (4)
Non-parametric statistics (4)
Exploratory statistics with R (4)
Monte Carlo methods (4)
Decision and Game Theory (4)
Discrete (4) and continuous stochastic processes (4)
Control of Markov chains (4)
Numerical signal processing (4)
Foreign languages (4/8)
Dynamic programming (8)
Wavelets (4)
M2 courses (ECTS):
Decision theoretic foundations of Bayesian Statistics (4)
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (4)
Jump processes (4)
Bayesian Statistics (4)
Bayesian extreme values (4)
Particle filters and hidden Markov models (4)
Bayesian genomics (4)
GARCH and stochastic volatility models (4)
Research seminar (4)

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