Candidates should have a Master 1 degree (4th year of university) in mathematics or an equivalent degree (engineering diploma, for instance).

The application must be made online through the MyCandidature webpage. The deadlines for applications are: June 29, 2020 (first session) and August 31, 2020 (second session). The following documents may be dropped during the application procedure (* sign means that the document is mandatory)

- Cover letter * / Lettre de motivation *
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) *
- University Diploma(s) obtained * / Diplôme(s) Universitaire(s) obtenu(s) * 
- Academic transcripts for the last 3 years * / Relevés de notes des 3 dernières années * 
- L3 grade transcripts * / Relevés de notes de L3 *
- M1 grade transcripts if available (at least first semester *) / Relevés de notes de M1 si possible (au moins le premier semestre *)
- Letters of reference (optional) / Lettres de recommandation (facultatif)
- Relevé de note du Baccalauréat ou Diplôme reconnu en équivalence
- Any other document that might add to your record / Tout autre document pouvant enrichir votre dossier 

The list of accepted students is established by the admission committee and then will be communicated to applicants shortly after these dates. 

Additional administrative information can be found in the tab "admission" of this first dedicated webpage of PSL university and on this second dedicated webpage of Paris Dauphine university. Applications submitted for the first session will not be examined again at the second session.