Publications by Ivar Ekeland:
Hedonic models, cities and optimal transportation

1. (with J.Heckman and L.Nesheim) "Identifying hedonic models", in "Market implications of peer and neighbourhood effects", American Economic Association papers and proceedings, vol 92 (2002), 2, p. 304-309

2. (with Jim Heckman and Lars Nesheim): "Identification and estimation of hedonic models" Journal of Political Economy 112 (2004) p.60-109 [pdf]

3. "An optimal matching problem". ESAIM-Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, 11 (2005) p. 57-71 [pdf]

4. (with Guillaume Carlier) "Equilibrium structure of an bidimensional assymmetric city". Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications 8 (2007) p.725 - 748. [pdf]

5. (with Guillaume Carlier) "The structure of cities, J. Global Optimization 4 (2004), p. 371-376

6. "Existence, uniqueness and efficiency of equilibrium in hedonic markets with multidimensional types" Economic Theory 42 (2010) p.  275–315 (pdf)

7.  (with Guillaume Carlier) “Matching for teams” Economic Theory 42 (2010) p. 397 - 418 (pdf)

8. (with Alfred Galichon and Marc Henry) "Optimal transportation and the falsifiability of incompletely specified economic models",  Economic Theory   42 (2010) p. 355 - 374  (pdf)

9. (with Alfred Galichon) "The housing problem and revealed preference theory: duality and an application" Economic Theory 54 (2013) p.425-441 [pdf]

10. (with Maurice Queyranne) "Optimal pits and optimal transportation", ESAIM Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis,
(2015) DOI: 10.1051/m2an/2015026 [pdf]

11. (with Guillaume Carlier), "Equilibrium in quality markets: beyond the transferable case", to appear, Economic Theory, 2018, [pdf]

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