Cours Master 2 Dauphine MAT Variational Methods, PDEs and geodesics for Image Analysis 2022/2023
Variational Methods, PDEs and geodesics for Image Analysis
Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
Université Paris Dauphine, PSL
Place du Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 Paris cedex 16, France
Tel. (33-1) 44 05 46 78 Fax (33-1) 44 05 45 99
Cohen @ ceremade.dauphine .fr
PhD : Open positions. Contact me.
This course, after giving a short introduction to digital image processing, will present an overview of variational methods for Image segmentation. This will include deformable models, known as active contours, solved using finite differences, finite elements, level sets method, fast marching method. A large part of the course will be devoted to geodesic methods, where a contour is found as a shortest path between two points according to a relevant metric. This can be solved efficiently by fast marching methods for numerical solution of the Eikonal equation. We will present cases with metrics of different types (isotropic, anisotropic, Finsler) in different spaces. All the methods will be illustrated by various concrete applications, like in biomedical image applications.
Les articles indiqués ci-dessous permettent d'approfondir les notions vues en cours, mais il n'est évidemment pas obligatoire de lire tous ces articles.
Page de description et sources pour les TP: Numerical Tour
Schedule : Tuesday 10:15-13:30
Where?: University Paris Dauphine
Language :The course will be in English, except if all students speak French.
Overview of the Course (the matching between dates and thematics is approximative and can change).
- 24 January 2023, 10h15: Presentation of the course
- 24 January 2023, 10h15-13h30: Introduction to Digital Image Processing
- 31 January 2023, 10h15-13h30: Reconstruction with Regularization, variational problems.
- 7 February 2023, 10h15-13h30: Active Contours and Deformable models
- Modèles déformables et contours actifs
- Méthode des éléments finis, Spline Snakes
- Modèle de Ballon.
- Article de synthese sur les modeles deformables
- Article sur les contours actifs 2D et 3D: Differences Finies/Elements Finis/Ballon
- Evolution des courbes planes et méthode des ensembles de niveau/ level sets.
La méthode des Level Sets/Ensembles de Niveau
- Modèles Déformables par level sets, Contours actifs Géodésiques.
- Segmentation et Reconstruction avec Régularisation par level sets.
- Modèle Région. Énergie Chan Vese.
- Premier Article sur les contours actifs et Region
- Avoiding Local Minima for Deformable Curves in Image Analysis. PDF
- 14 February 2023 10h15-13h30: Minimal Paths/ Geodesic lines
Article de synthese sur les chemins minimaux
Article de base sur les chemins minimaux - 21 February 2023 10h15-13h30 : Minimal Paths, Different metrics and spaces, Fast Marching and Voronoi
- Métriques isotropes et anisotropes. Fast marching sur des triangulations. Application au maillages d'images et de surfaces.
- Geodesic re-meshing and parameterization using front propagation Similar paper in French Landmark-based Computation for Heuristically Driven Path Planning
- Chemins minimaux et tubular Anisotropy
- Multiple contour finding and perceptual grouping using minimal paths
- Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping as a set of Energy Minimizing Paths Similar paper in French for RFIA'02
- A new implicit method for surface segmentation by minimal paths in 3D images.
- Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-front Active Contours With Optional User-Interaction
- Generalized Voronoi Tesselations for Vector-Valued Image Segmentation Similar paper in French
- Fast extraction of tubular and tree 3D surfaces with front propagation methods.
- Fast Constrained Surface Extraction by Minimal Paths Similar paper in French
- Article sur les chemins minimaux et l'endoscopie virtuelle
Autres Articles sur ma page web
Un livre ancien en ligne d'introduction aux techniques de base de traitement d'image
Un livre en ligne d'introduction aux techniques de base de traitement d'image
A short QCM of 15mn at the end of the last class. Analsyis of a research paper.